As a mom of 3 in select sports, I am ALWAYS on-the-go.  When I first got my Apple watch I was frustrated with the battery life.  It has to be charged every night.  When we are home it’s not really a problem but we travel out of town a lot for tournaments. Packing for a family of 5, even just for a weekend, is a big responsibility.  I should have it down pat by now but I tend to always forget SOMETHING.  Most often it’s my watch charger which is more of an annoyance than anything.  I was thrilled to
Leave your bulky Apple Watch charging puck at home and travel lighter with the minute Mofuu portable charger.
If you’re an active person, or someone who gets a ton of notifications throughout the day via your iPhone, and you own an Apple Watch, then you know that you
Probamos el cargador inalámbrico Mofuu para Apple Watch. Aquí el reviéw